Martin Kristoffer Hamre
Martin Kristoffer Hamre is a German-Norwegian researcher based in Berlin. He studied History and Philosophy/Ethics at the Humboldt University of Berlin (including an exchange to the University of Bergen), receiving a BA in 2015. In the years 2015-2017, he took part in the international MA program European History, obtaining a joint degree with study visits at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Vienna and the King’s College London. His MA thesis examined the influence of German National Socialism and Italian Fascism on the Norwegian fascist party Nasjonal Samling in the interwar period from a transnational perspective and was published as an article in the Journal Fascism in 2019. Before beginning a Doctoral Fellowship at the Graduate School of Global Intellectual History at the Free University of Berlin in April 2020, he worked among others as a project assistant at the Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation, as an educational guide in museums, as a translator and as an independent researcher in Berlin. In 2018, he completed an internship at the German Historical Institute in Washington DC.
Fascist internationalism in the 1930s (working title)
In his PhD project, Hamre examines the internationalist ideology of several minor European fascist parties from countries such as Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and France while using a transnational approach inspired by comparative fascist studies and global history. The initial point is the participation of some of these parties at the Fascist International Congress in Montreux in 1934, an unsuccessful attempt of the organization CAUR to organize a so-called “Fascist International”. The project explores what notions and concepts were fundamental to the internationalist parts of the ideology of these fascist parties, how ideas of internationalism and (anti-)globalism influenced their visions of world order, which role "internationalist" fascist brokers and intellectuals played in the transformation of their ideology, and finally, whether there was an intrinsic contradiction between the cooperation on an international base and the palingenetic ultranationalism essential to fascist movements. Hamre aims at contributing to the ongoing discussion about the transnational and global dimensions of fascist cooperation, while simultaneously highlighting the reasons for the ideological limits and flaws of CAUR and similar activities of fascist internationalism in the 1930s.